Borough of Westville
165 Broadway, Westville, NJ 08093-1148
Open: Monday-Friday, 8 am to 4 pm

Taxes / Water / Sewer

View and Pay your Municipal Accounts Online

Nicole L. O’Hara, Certified Tax Collector
165 Broadway
Westville, NJ   08093
Phone:  856-456-0030, option 4, Fax:  856-742-8190
Hours of Operation:  Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4 pm

How to pay Tax, Water and Sewer payments:  (checks payable to the Borough of Westville)

165 Broadway, Westville, NJ   08093 (include a stamped self-addressed envelope if a receipt is desired)
Online:  (Be advised there is a convenience fee to pay by e-check or by credit or debit card)
In Person:
 Cash, Checks or Money Order payments received after 4 pm will be processed the next business day
Drop Box:
There is a locked drop box out front of the Administrative offices at 165 Broadway

Tax Due Dates
Taxes are due the first of February, May, August and November  with a 10-day grace period. Payments must be made by 6:00 pm to the tax office by the last day of the grace period. The Tax office does not accept postmarks. Payments made after the grace period will accrue interest back to the 1st day of the month. The delinquent interest rate is 8% per diem on the first $1500 and 18% on anything over $1500.   A 6% Year End Penalty will be charged to any municipal charged delinquency over $10,000 if not paid by December 31st of each year.

Tax Bill Mailing.  Tax bills are mailed once a year (usually in July/August) and provide four (4) stubs for each quarter due (February, May, August and November).  August taxes are given a grace period of 25 days from the mailing date due to receiving the tax rate from the County of Gloucester.  Residents with a mortgage will receive an Advice Only copy of the tax bill.

Deductions/Property Tax Freeze/Rebates  (Senior Senior/Disabled/Surviving Spouse & Veteran/Widow of Veteran $250 Deductions for Property Taxes)

To be eligible for a Senior/Disabled/Surviving Spouse Deduction, an applicant must be 65 years old as of October 1 of the pre-tax year and must meet the income requirements of $10,000 or less excluding Social Security. Photo ID and Proof of Income is required. For veteran deductions, a copy of DD214 is required,  along with ID. Totally Disabled Veteran Applications can be found here.

Property Tax Relief Programs.  The State of New Jersey offers several Property Tax Relief Programs for New Jersey property owners.  For more information,  visit:

Address Changes.  For Address Changes please use this form and submit to the Tax office.

Tax Maps.  Open the Westville Tax Map and choose Gloucester County then Westville to view.

Tax Appeals.  Tax appeals must be filed between November 15th and January 15th.   To obtain an application, please use this link.  Information and forms regarding Tax Appeals can be found under the heading “Appellate”.

 Tax Sale.  Any payments not received by December 31st of the Current Year will be subject to Tax Sale as of January 1st of the New Year.

Sale of Property.  It is the responsibility of the new property owner to be aware of tax payment amounts and due dates. Tax information and Tax Bills should be transferred to the new owner at the time of Title transfer.

Water and Sewer Bills are now Combined

  • Minimum Water charge is  $125.00 for 10,000 Gallons, any overages will be charged in accordance to Borough Code 387-7 of the Code of the Borough of Westville
  • Sewer is a flat rate of $120.00

Combined Water and Sewer bills are due the first day in the months of January, April, July and October

Periods Covered For Water & Sewer

  • 1st/Quarter – From – January 1 to March 31st
  • 2nd/Quarter – From – April 1 to June 30th
  • 3rd/Quarter – From – July 1st to September 30th
  • 4th/Quarter – From – October 1st to December 31st

Starting on January 1, 2024, interest will accrue on delinquent water and sewer bills.

Senior and /or Disability water and sewer deductions.  The Borough of Westville offers Senior/Disability water and sewer deductions for eligible residents. Residents must have an income $20,000 or less excluding social security and must be 65 years of age or have a physician’s reward letter.

Applicable forms:
$250.00 Property Tax Deduction Claim by Veteran or Surviving Spouse, etc.
Claim for Property Tax Exemption of Veteran or Surviving Spouse
Water and Sewer Deduction Form
Gloucester County – Senior, Disabled and Veteran Surviving Spouse, 100% Disabled Veteran
Gloucester County – Change of Mailing Address

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