Borough of Westville
165 Broadway, Westville, NJ 08093-1148
Open: Monday-Friday, 8 am to 4 pm


The Borough of Westville is a great place to start or move your business to for that small town experience.

If you are considering opening your business in the Borough of Westville, please contact our Housing and Code Enforcement Officer Dennis Morina at 856-456-0030, ext. 116 or email to discuss your plans. Mr. Morina is in the office Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 1 pm.

To help local businesses, the Westville Business Association (WBA) was formed in 2020 and is an active organization comprised of Westville businesses who promote and encourage business growth in this municipality. If you live in Westville and own a business, or if you live outside of the Borough but create and sell your products or services in town, please join the WBA Facebook page by opening this link.

WBA Mission Statement:
"To provide resources, support and aid to our town's businesses and entrepreneurs. Working together as a community, along with the Borough's support, we aim to help each other achieve our business goals, reach our full potential, share our knowledge and grow, while having fun and building a stronger more connected community."

List of Westville Businesses (PDF)

To learn more about the Westville Business Association, below are two documents that can help you with that process. To contact the WBA, you can send an email to:

WBA Application (PDF)
WBA Online Application
WBA By-Laws (PDF)

WBA Membership:
To become a member of the WBA or to be an Officer on the Board, the following requirements must be met:
1) live in Westville and own, co-own, or manage a business in Westville (including brick-and-mortar or home-based businesses)
2) Live outside Westville and own, co-own, or manage a business in Westville (including brick-and-mortar or home based businesses)
3) Submission of a member form. WBA Application (PDF)

WBA officers and contact information:
Chair/Co-Founder: Jaime Clayton (The Cat and the Crystal Candle Co.)

Treasurer: Renee Gay (Hometown Tax Services)

Vice Chair and Secretary: to be determined

2024 WBA Meetings and Events:
June 17 - Rolling Badges Clubhouse, 929 Edgewater Avenue
July 15 - located to be determined
September 16 - 1st Colonial Community Bank, 321 Broadway
November 18 - Council Chambers, 165 Broadway (voting session)

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